A birthday party to organise, sick and horrible headaches and what feels like a million events for school and things to organise. Oh why oh why can’t I just sleep until I feel better?
Queen's Birthday Long Weekend
Not the Queen of Australia but the Queen of our household. Was crowned by Princess Julia. Happy Queen's Birthday, although ...
Not well and Hectic
I know this happens to everyone but why me at the moment! I am sick and flat out with final ...
Sick and Busy
Why is it when you have a lot to do, and you are going off somewhere special soon you start ...
Sick Times Four
It has been a sick time in our household. The hubby came home last Thursday ill, and then Lillian started ...
Bed is calling me
Why is it when you have a million things to do you are not feeling your best. This just makes ...
Headache go away
Today was the day kids were at school and I wanted to get heaps done. I wish my body would ...