Gorgeous Easy No-Bake Oreo Blackberry Mousse Tart


Oh my look at you, You’re Gorgeous!!!

I’ve never seen a tart like you before…

There have been many before but you take the cake…see what I did there. 😉

SOOOOO Gorgeous! The No-Bake Oreo Blackberry Mousse Tart posing for the camera.

The Oreo Blackberry Mousse Tart is decorated with blackberries and blueberries and topped with some flowers. The dark cookie base makes the colours pop!


Estimated time to create the base: 30 minutes (including 15 minutes in the freezer to set the base).

The Oreo Cookies ready for the cookie base


Estimated time to create the mousse: Around 20 to 30 minutes.

  • 225 grams of blackberries – I purchased 3 punnets to have enough to decorate the tart
  • 2 punnets of blueberries to decorate the tart
  • 225 grams of Philadelphia Original Cream Cheese
  • 75 grams of caster sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
  • 300ml of thickened cream
  • 60ml of milk
  • 6 sheets of natural gelatine leaves
Yummy and fresh blackberries from Todarello’s in Katoomba

I’ve been diving deep into the world of online recipes and let me tell you, it’s a riot of colours out there! From jaw-dropping cakes to slices that are more vibrant than a Taylor Swift song, and even pasta sporting hues that would make a rainbow jealous, cooks are truly artists in their own right. Recently, I stumbled upon this Oreo Cookie-based tart, and oh boy, that dark crust was the superstar alongside the dazzling colours of raspberry and blueberry—totally spoke to my taste buds!

Now, here’s the kicker—it’s a no-bake wonder! Yup, just pop it in the fridge and freezer, and voila! I’m all about saving time in the kitchen, so this dessert is right up my alley.

For my twist, I’m thinking of infusing the mousse with blackberries. Yep, blackberries! This recipe has got me all excited about trying something totally new in my culinary playbook.

And speaking of summer, it’s the season when blackberries and blueberries shine bright like my love for a catchy summer tune (Swiftie alert!). As someone who lives and breathes summer berries (hello, favourite season!), knowing they’re in season makes me gleeful. It’s like a shortcut to creating a tart bursting with the freshest summer berries—a total win-win situation!

Did you know?

Blackberries are the tiny, mighty warriors of goodness! These delightful berries bring a whole parade of perks to the party. Here’s a sneak peek into the fantastic world of benefits that these little black gems bring along:

  • High in vitamin C
  • High in fibre
  • Can help reduce cholesterol
  • Manage blood sugar levels by slowing the rate of sugar absorption
  • A good source of vitamin K
  • High in manganese
  • May improve brain health
  • Also supports oral health

As you can see not only do blackberries and blueberries look pretty, they are delicious
and very good for you.

Blueberries are like the rockstars of superfoods! These little powerhouses are bursting with goodness, and their list of amazing deeds is simply off the charts. Check out below all the fantastic things these tiny but mighty blue dynamos can do:

  • High in antioxidants
  • Protect against DNA damage, which may help protect against aging and cancer
  • Blueberries help prevent oxidative damage to “bad” LDL cholesterol
  • Help prevent heart disease
  • Help your brain and memory
  • Blueberries have been shown to have anti-diabetes effects
  • Help with inflammation after exercise

Do you need more of a reason to have a
second helping of the No-Bake Oreo
Blackberry Mousse Tart?

For my fresh produce, I like to shop locally at Todarello’s Katoomba Village Fruit Market.

I can’t get enough of Todarello’s! Their produce selection is seriously impressive—I mean, it’s like a treasure trove every time I walk in. But you know what really seals the deal? The people there are just amazing. They’re like your own personal shopping squad, always there to lend a hand and make your grocery trip a breeze. No question is too much trouble, and they’re more than happy to help carry your bags to the car. They’re the real MVPs (Most Valuable Player) of the grocery store, making the whole experience a whole lot easier!

Stepping into Todarello’s Katoomba is like entering a vibrant wonderland for your senses! The explosion of colours from fresh fruits and vegetables is an absolute feast for the eyes. Every corner boasts a stunning array of produce, each piece seemingly competing to be the most tempting. And you know what? It’s not just about the looks—every single item on display here is top-notch. It’s a guarantee that when you pick something up, you’re getting the absolute best, freshest ingredients available. It’s like having a palette of nature’s finest at your fingertips.

During my visit to Todarello’s Katoomba Village Fruit Market, I purchased three punnets of luscious blackberries and two punnets of tantalizing blueberries—all set and primed for my upcoming no-bake tart adventure!

This tart might seem like a tough nut to crack, but let me tell you, it’s a breeze! Creating this masterpiece is an absolute cinch—effortless and oh-so-fun!

How do you make this gorgeous dessert?

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    Step 1: Create the Oreo base. You will need a blender to turn the Oreo Cookies into powder. Unwrap all three packets to give you 33 cookies and add them to the blender. Once all the cookies have been cut up and resemble dirt, add the melted butter to the Oreo mixture. This will form a dough to create the crust for the tart.

    Step 2: Add the Oreo dough to the tart pan (make sure to have a tart pan with a removable bottom). Press the Oreo dough into the tart pan to cover all the bottom and the sides of the tart.

    Step 3: Once the dough is all spread out into the tart pan, put it in the freezer for 15 minutes. Don’t leave for longer than 15 minutes. After 15 minutes put the tart pan in the fridge so that you can work on the blackberry mousse filling.

    Step 4: Creating the blackberry mousse. Add blackberries into the blender until they are pureed, then add the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla essence until it is a smooth consistency. You might need to stop the blender and stir some ingredients around to ensure all is mixed correctly and there are no lumps.

    Step 5: Whip the cream until firm in a separate bowl.

    Step 6: Hydrate the gelatin sheets.

    Step 7: Heat milk in the microwave but not to boiling (needs to be hot). Make sure to drain the gelatin sheets and then add them to the hot milk and stir until they have dissolved into the milk.

    Step 8: Add the milk to the blackberry puree and mix until all is combined well.

    Step 9: Pour into the bowl with the whipped cream and carefully mix well folding over slowly to mix using enveloping movements.

    Step 10: Pour the blackberry mouse into the tart pan and smooth out the mixture to make sure it sets with no lumps or bumps on the top of the tart.

    Step 11: Refrigerate the tart for at least 4 hours (preferably overnight) to set.

    The stunningly gorgeous No-Bake Oreo Blackberry Mousse Tart cut and ready to eat!

    Once the mousse is set you can safely remove the tart from the pan. If you have some difficulty removing your tart from the pan The Cozy Plum has a great instructional video that might help.

    YUMMY! It looks so fantastic…Don’t you just want a slice?

    Decorate with: Blackberries, blueberries, nuts, dark chocolate, raspberries or whatever takes your fancy. Serve with fresh cream or ice cream.

    Enjoy this gorgeous treat!

    Admiring the dark Oreo cookie base of the blackberry mousse tart.


    I was seriously blown away by how ridiculously easy this tart was to whip up! I mean, no cooking at all—just some fridge and freezer magic, and bam! Talk about a turbo-speed dessert! And the taste? Oh, boy, let me tell you—it was a mouthful of pure creamy goodness with that punchy blackberry zing. But guess what? Not only did it taste like a dream, but it also looked like a showstopper! Seriously, it’s a double win when delicious meets stunning!

    The added blackberries, blueberries and flowers make this no-bake tart look magical.


    Oh, heck yes! This tart was an absolute flavour bomb and a sight for sore eyes! But you know what? I’m already brainstorming some wild ideas for the next round. Picture this: a funky dance of colours in the mousse—maybe a raspberry rave or a mixed berry bash with blackberries and blueberries. I’m aiming for this majestic deep purple hue in the mousse that’ll pop against the rich, dark Oreo cookie base. Talk about a visual treat!

    And hey, why stick to one big tart when you can have a squad of mini-tarts, right? I’m thinking of snagging some individual tart pans for these bite-sized delights. They’re perfect for those quick, “I-deserve-a-treat” moments.

    But wait, the party doesn’t stop there! I’m on a mission to jazz up the decorations too. Picture this: a canvas of melted dark chocolate creating artsy lines, topped with a crunchy medley of roasted nuts—pistachios, almonds, and maybe a sprinkle of other berries for that extra pizzazz. Get ready, taste buds, because we’re about to take this tart game to a whole new level.

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    Originally published on December 30, 2023

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