Why is it that men (I know not all men do this but some do) still think that women are more suited to housework and organising everything for the kids and others. Also why is it that they feel that they are super special beings that they can get out of helping. Acting stupid is their tactic to ensure they do nothing! Let me know your thoughts.
Mess be Gone!
Have you been faced with a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in. Well ...
Hi all, I have been cleaning and sorting like a mad woman or someone possessed. Still more to do but ...
Cleaning and Stuff
The house is a mess due to it being too hot to do much and also kids wanting to play ...
My free time = 5 hours x 3
Do you ever have visions of getting everything on your to do list done? Well I do, however not all ...
Appliances fail and horse races
Today was freezing as was last night. It is only April and we are so cold I think this winter ...
Take 2
Lunches are packed, clothes are in school bags for emergencies, and we are good to go. Today did not turn ...
Sun = Laundry and Playtime
A sunny day with no clouds in the sky, just brilliant! What a great thing to wake up to. If ...
Housework and an outing
Before we went out I asked the girls to clean the living room up. This did not happen until Daddy ...
Helpful Bunny
Daddy and Lillian went to the shops, while Julia stayed with me. Some of this time with Julia was cuddling ...