Today is a big day. Kids are at school then off to after school care. You wonder what I will be doing? I am leading a glamorous life and of course I will be cleaning, scrubbing and doing housework!
The house needs a spruce up before the weekend. The twins have their birthday on Saturday and we might have family and friends drop by. Due to this and of course being flat out have a clean house might be a good idea.

I think after I calm down from the big week I might need to have them in care again so that I can spend my time doing something I like.
A bubble bath? Spending my gift vouchers at the shops? Sleeping? Working on the blog?
A maid would make things easy, but due to no funds to pay a maid I am her currently! Yes not ideal but cheaper.
Wish me well and I hope I get a lot done.
Stay tuned for more about this years birthday party for the girls.