May is a HUGE month for my family, birthdays, wedding anniversary and Mother’s Day too! Busy mums get little time for them, so I thought that I would create May for mums – May Is My Month! Each day in May I urge you to do something just for you. No matter how small it is, do it for you. Share what you get up to on our Instagram and Facebook page.
Cleaning and Stuff
The house is a mess due to it being too hot to do much and also kids wanting to play ...
Time For Me
Why is it when you suddenly have time for you, the slot fills with something else to do and you ...
More Time For Self Care
Yes pre-school is back for term 4, although the last one of the year but I am happy that school ...
Grand Plans
I have many things to keep me occupied during the day, and the main one is looking after the girls. ...
Perils of Sharing a Room
We live in a small house so there is not much choice for where the twins sleep. I have been ...
Sewing or Study?
Today is the last day of term 3 for pre-school so my last day to myself before 2 weeks of ...
Productive Day
Today has been a very productive day. While the twins are at school, I have gone to get a check ...
The stress of motherhood
Lately everything is a drama, kids, house and you name it, and it is an issue. I must admit it ...