I’m tired.
I’m exhausted.
I know kids, life and work do this. Resting or downtime for me never seems enough. What about you?
I went to bed last night and had the most interesting thoughts.
A hotel dedicated to rest. A hotel dedicated to relaxation and downtime. This hotel would have restful rooms and it would be a quiet space.
This hotel would pamper mums. No kids allowed. Just mums.

This is the hotel that I dreamt about. A nice comfortable white bed, no one to wake me up, no alarms, no kids, nothing to do but just to rest and to relax.
In my dream the hotel had wall to wall beds. The beds were white, in fact everything was white. It was a quiet space that ensured all guests could sleep and sleep they did.
The sleep was a deep sleep and no one woke anyone. No kids were there. No alarms, no clocks. It was a space that allowed you to just be.
The hotel was a place that once you have slept enough you could then explore the facilities. There was a spa, yoga, a gym, swimming pool, healthy chef on call to create some extremely yummy food, great drinks and lounges so that you can sit back and read your favourite book, and last but not least the grounds were so amazing that you could explore and never be near another person – a fabulous place to meditate and be at one with nature.
My trip to this hotel was cut short. I woke up and had to get kids ready for school and the baby off to childcare.
I did not want to get out of bed. I was so comfortable and the bed felt like I was melting into it. It was perfect, but this perfection ended due to having to start the day.
Why can’t I stay in bed and pretend I was back at this hotel that is dedicated to sleep. I need to go back to this place so that I can relax and just be.
It is a real pity that this hotel is not real.
Maybe there are hotels and services out there that can do this, however I’m sure they would cost a lot of money for this experience. My dream was free.
Would you love to travel to this hotel too? I want to go back and I only just visited last night.
Let me know if you have dreamt of something similar?
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3 Responses
May 29, 2017What a great concept! We are all so sleep deprived today. But reality takes over and we learn to live with whatever stage of life we are in. Love your blog!
May 31, 2017Wow. This needs to be invented. Soundproof rooms, 2 night minimum stay. King beds for ONE!! Love it!
Suzanne Robinson
May 31, 2017I think I need to create this hotel for very tired people. Thanks Briana for your lovely comment.