All Posts By Suzanne Robinson

Firefighters don’t wear Dresses & Thigh High Boots with Heels!


Alexander was watching Firefighters Song for Kids from Bounce Patrol Kids on YouTube, it was a catchy and fun song. However, the only thing that I could not stop looking at was the woman firefighter was in a dress and wearing thigh high boots with heels! Yep, the woman is dressed in non firefighting clothes and the men have adequate clothes to fight a fire. There are no dresses or heels in firefighting and girls should be dressed the same as the boys! Simple as that. Even if it is a song or a simple dress up. It sends the wrong message! Let me know your thoughts.

Unvaccinated Kids Not Smart Just Risky


You as a parent are tasked to keep your kids alive and healthy, and in my opinion that means getting them immunised. I was outraged by Pete Evans saying that “unvaccinated kids are smarter”, personally the kids are not the issue here it is the parents deciding the health outcomes of their children. Science has made it possible for us to not get chicken pox, measles and more… why would you want this to potentially happen to your child/family?

Potty Milestone


Potty training is rather stressful as a mum, this is for a few reasons. Your child likes to strip off and you are panicking about accidents that might happen anywhere in the house. My little boy is getting so good with going to the potty and the bathroom that soon I hope we will be a nappy free house. Learn about our potty adventures.