Dove For Comfort
Dove Pure Anti-Perspirant Deodorant - Roll On Product Talk by Nuffnang sent me new products from Dove to test drive. ...
Dove Pure Anti-Perspirant Deodorant - Roll On Product Talk by Nuffnang sent me new products from Dove to test drive. ...
I want to be here exercising, what about you? Yesterday I went to the pool to do aqua aerobics and ...
When you have a baby you need to bring all the things a baby would need with you. Bottles, nappies, ...
The girls have organised painting themselves. Could not wait for mummy. Why is it that when you have heaps to ...
Left over bake before it goes in the oven Hi all, this is a good one if you have a ...
I want to swim and exercise not just the kids. UPDATE: I got a response to my letter to the ...
Kids and I had a big day out, off to get a check up for me, then off to centrelink ...
Do you get regular skin checks? I was very good but have let it slide for a few years. Naughty ...
Today hubby and I took the girls to The Royal Bathurst Show, the sun was shining, it was warm and ...
The girls as doctors Yesterday I went to the doctors for a check-up to make sure that all is working ...
Seriously reading at the library Why is it that every time that it is story time the twins seem so ...
Think the coins will come in handy! I for one would love to have heaps of money in my superannuation ...
Liebster Award Hi all, I have been very slack, actually extremely slack. I was nominated by two wonderful blogs for ...
The kids were super excited about Easter and the of course the Easter Bunny, otherwise known as E.B from Hop. ...
Kids are super excited about Easter and the impending Easter Bunny. I have organised surprises for the twins, however they ...
Hi everyone, these are such cuties just had to share. Why not give your little ones cute thongs - shoes ...
Do your kids love books and going to the library? Mine do, they just adore it. Going to the library ...
Drooling over going to bed Last night the kids had a late one. There was a free info session about ...
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