The lovely people at Wine Selectors sent me a mixed box of wine. Three white and three red. I must say I am partial to a nice glass of wine and getting a box sent to me was just wonderful. I love presents in the mail, don’t you?
I was also blown away that it came with tasting notes and recipes. Also with suggestions of what bottle to have for each meal. It certainly has taken the guesswork out of mealtime.
I was sent a box of the Wine Selectors Chef Series below are the ones that I received:
• Alastair McLeod Riesling 2010
• Ben O’Donoghue Pinot Gris 2011
• Ian Parmenter Gewürztraminer 2012
• Ben O’Donoghue Shiraz 2011
• Frank Camorra Tempranillo 2010
• Grossi Barbera 2011
The Shiraz
The wines so far have been so yummy and matched the meal that I have cooked, and also for one that I did not. Ben O’Donoghue’s Shiraz melted in our mouths and of course, my hubby had to help me taste them. He has also loved all the fancy cooking this week. The Shiraz was rich in flavour and did not taste like it was only made in 2011 it had strength beyond its age. Very impressed with this drop of wine.
The recipe card for Ben O’Donoghue’s Shiraz 2011 was “Grilled Miso Cured Wagu Beef“
I did add some beans to the meal. I know it was not on the recipe card. So if you are this way inclined too, it worked a treat!
Picking a wine for your meal
Have you thought about what do I cook for dinner? What wine would go with what meal? Well, the lovely suggestions from wine selectors have taken the guesswork out of it all. Search Wine Selectors for recipes and get suggestions for wine suggestions for your meal.
The Riesling
I wanted to try out a meal not from the recipe cards to see if the wines matched and it did. I cooked chicken parcels wrapped in bacon & stuffed with pumpkin, feta & spinach. I teamed this dinner up with Alastair McLeod Riesling 2010, and again the wine really matched the meal and was finished off between hubby and me.
The Riesling was fruity and crisp, just right for these hot days and nights we have been having.

Another fancy meal, hubby is getting used to this. Chicken parcels wrapped in bacon & stuffed with pumpkin, feta & spinach. Wine is Alastair McLeod Riesling 2010.
Get 15% off your next case of wine
Wine Selectors is offering a 15% discount for a box of 12 bottles of wine.
Wine Selectors offer Convenience and a Great Selection
I have used Wine Selectors before. They have a great selection and it all gets delivered to your door. No going to the post office. This is great if you are busy and have kids. You don’t want to be carting around a box with all your other shopping, ideal to have it shipped to the house.
Hubby and I are enjoying our lovely wine and thanks again Wine Selectors for giving us such a great box to taste. I especially loved the recipes and will cook them all in time.
Note: This was a sponsored post for Wine Selectors. I was sent a box of wine to try and to give my thoughts on. All opinions are my own and from a mummy that has tried the products.
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2 Responses
February 2, 2014Sounds lovely! Can you please come and cook at my place too??
February 2, 2014Thanks Melissa, they were all so yummy. Must do the others as well. Very taken with the Miso now and wondering on more ways to use it. I have quite a bit left over in the fridge.