Last day of School for 2012
This past Wednesday was the girls last day at pre-school for 2012. Yes my babies have done a full year at school, I am so proud and amazed it has gone so fast. We are now on holidays and awaiting the arrival of Santa and fun times with relatives and spending quality time with daddy at home. Daddy is working his last day before holidays today and I am sure is keen to come home, have a beer, put his feet up and finally relax for a bit.
My girls have been taken with bugs and insects ever since the bug lady, “Jackie” came to visit the school. They took a bug to show and tell for the last day of school and to go and live in Bug Town. Yes you heard that right, Bug Town. It is a place at the school that bugs live in and all kids are collecting and getting involved in. One of the girls friends had huge spider in a glass jar and it was yucky, I hate and really don’t like spiders. Not a fan at all. Pleased the girls are not skirmish with bugs and insects, however don’t want them getting to friendly with things that are dangerous. The bug lady has pointed out what is dangerous so that is good to know also, just hope they are not overly keen and forget about the danger.
My girls have grown up so much, they are trying to read, writing their names, can count to 20 and more now, and recognizing letters and numbers. Julia has added up numbers, the other week she said, we went to her cousins place for 2 sleeps. The following week we went for another 2 sleeps, she then said mummy that makes 4 sleeps. What a clever girl.
Julia also told a bossy girl at a park after the last day at school that she is going to turn 6 after she is 5. Very smart indeed. This bossy girl was saying she was older and bigger as she was 6 and the girls were babies. My girls hate when they are called babies and want to be seen as little girls not babies, other kids assume they are younger as they are small and petite. I think these bigger kids better watch themselves as my girls are not babies and will surprise you.
It will be interesting to see what 2013 has in store for the girls at pre-school. They will be big kids in their school next year as the older girls and boys are off to big school (Kindy). I also hope that they don’t miss their older friends too much. We have the contact numbers for these families so hopefully we can make playdates after school and on weekends.
It is nice not having to race off to get kids to and from school and I am looking forward to seeing the kids faces when they open their presents on Christmas Day. Do you find it relaxing when kids are on holiday? I do find it harder sometimes as you have to find more things to do, keeping kids occupied sometimes is harder than it seems. Currently the girls are busy playing by themselves. I might go and check to see if there is mess or things I need to know about, they are being very quiet. Send in your comments.