Soon to be Penguins

Soon to be Penguins


Note: I must have been very tired when writing this post as I did have the title the other way ...

First Reversible Bag


I have now finished my first reversible bag. Yes I know, wonderful and exciting. I am very pleased but think ...

Wrong Side of the Bed?


Why is it that some mornings as soon as the kids get up they are fighting and everything is a ...

Through Others Eyes

Through Others Eyes


Do you sometimes have moments or days that you feel like a failure. I know I do! Sometimes it is ...

Queen's Birthday Long Weekend


  Not the Queen of Australia but the Queen of our household. Was crowned by Princess Julia. Happy Queen's Birthday, although ...

Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend

Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend


  Not the Queen of Australia but the Queen of our household. Was crowned by Princess Julia. Happy Queen's Birthday, although ...

What if I was paid?


I wish mums would get paid for all that they do. Alas this is not so. So what would the ...

Cuddles make you better


The last week Julia has not been well and ended up with a fever Thursday night and Friday day. She ...

Eggcellent Apps for Reading


Does your child love playing apps on your iPhone, iPad or Android device? Well I know my twins do, and ...

Officially Enrolled!


Today I enrolled my wonderful girls into big school for next year, yes Kindy is next year. Where does the ...

Same Classroom?


This infographic addresses an important issue. To separate your twins at school or not? Hubby wants to separate the girls ...

Mess be Gone!


Have you been faced with a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in. Well ...

I Want to Go


Julia at home with mummy Today, Julia is not well and home from school. Lillian at first was hysterical and ...

Stuck in the Middle


Do you have two resumes? One for one type of job and the other for another? Have you been told ...

Is it Earhart's Electra?


Earhart in the Electra cockpit, c.1936 (original source: I was always fascinated with Amelia Earhart and her attempt to ...

Is it Earhart’s Electra?


Earhart in the Electra cockpit, c.1936 (original source: I was always fascinated with Amelia Earhart and her attempt to ...

Winter is coming…Wait it's Here!


Winter is here Today is the 1st of June and is the first day of winter here. Yesterday you would ...

Winter is coming…Wait it’s Here!


Winter is here Today is the 1st of June and is the first day of winter here. Yesterday you would ...