I cannot believe it is Christmas Eve and for that matter will be Christmas tomorrow!
2016 has gone super quick for me. I suppose looking after a new baby and two older kids makes things speed up. I’ve been racing around taking kids to school, picking them up, taking them to after school activities and more!
One other thing that I cannot believe is that my little boy, Alexander is nearly one. Yes he will be having his first birthday soon. He was born on the 7th of January so just a few weeks after Christmas he will have his first birthday party.

Merry Christmas, and I cannot believe that 2016 is nearly over.
Lately I have been thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened in 2016:
- Our little boy was born.
- We were lucky to survive life with a newborn and no sleep all while looking after our twin girls. Well mostly me and getting everyone to school with me having little to no sleep was indeed a miracle.
- The girls did well in school this year and both had important jobs. One was in the SRC (Student Representative Council) and the other was in charge of taking the roll to the office everyday.
- Alexander hit all his milestones some earlier than expected and has been wanting to walk ever since he was born. The last few months he has been lounge surfing. He is standing and taking a few steps but that is it at the moment. It won’t be long
- Alexander is climbing chairs and anything he can find to climb.
- The girls love their baby brother and although we have had a few accidents we were incredibly lucky that everyone was okay. The baby fell and smashed his face on the concrete path and therefore his front teeth all got smashed in and then all his teeth were wobbly. One other incident was when he was only a couple months old he was dropped into the sandpit head first.
- It is nice to watch the kids all together when everyone is getting along. Cuddles, kisses and of course giggles.
- I have faced very naughty kids lately but they have tried hard and are generally good kids. So I did purchase Christmas presents and now we have many things under the tree. So my annoyance at cancelling Christmas was not something that has happened.
I am now wondering what wonderful things will be in store for us in 2017. Next year is the year of the Rooster and according to reports it looks like a great year for me.
Are you in disbelief about the fact it is Christmas already? Did 2016 fly by fast for you as well?
What do you hope to do in 2017?
I have big plans for the blog and life. Alexander is due to start childcare soon, and this will allow me to get more done. He will only be going a few days per week, I hope he likes it.
Have a Merry Christmas and be safe.