You've Kept Well


During the last week of the school holidays I bumped into one of the twins teachers. The girls were off at vacation care and Alexander and I decided a nice take away cup of coffee would be a lovely idea. The teacher from the kid’s school was in line ahead of me for the same thing. While we were waiting we got chatting.

During our chat we were remembering playing with LEGO when we were younger as I mentioned that the kids and I saw the LEGO movie again (It was mainly to show their nana, my mum the movie. I love it as it is so funny. Especially Batman’s death metal song). We seemed to share some of the same experiences as kids. She then said she was old and I said, “No! You are not that old!” She then told me her age. I replied saying that I was only a year younger than she was.

This admission from myself about my age seemed to shock this woman. She must not have thought I was in her age range. Oh well many people don’t pick my age and that is fine with me. My mum and nana went for years having people think they were much younger than they actually were. Maybe it is in the genes.

Alexander and I at the park

Alexander and I at the park

This lovely lady then told me this, “You’ve kept well”

I was very grateful to hear this and it is nice to have this said to you.

However it got me thinking about the phrase “You’ve kept well”, it made me think I have been enclosed in a Tupperware container and not had air get to me to retain my freshness.

I have also been told lately that I look like I was getting younger by another mum from the school. She mentioned that the baby has worked its magic and made me look young. WOW who knew this would be the case (Wouldn’t this be nice. Every child you have you get magically younger…. like a youth elixir. If only this was a thing).

I wish my hair would get with the program and stop falling out since the birth of our little boy and that my body would instantly look as good as it did pre-pregnancy. It has only been four months since I had my little boy so I will not put too much pressure to look fabulous body wise. If I get a walk or some exercise, or even time to just relax it is a good day.

Like everyone, I feel old some days and others I feel great and younger than I should be, I suppose it is dependent on my mood. Exercise makes me feel much better and more relaxed, however with kids it is hard to fit in. I do try though and have been taking walks with the baby in the pram. I just hope that the weather continues to be nice for a bit longer to allow me to do this.

Have you had some lovely compliments from friends, family or just strangers about how you look or something else? People saying nice things regardless of who they are is always welcome. It makes me feel wonderful and puts a big smile on my face. What about you? I also love to do the same for others as well. It is nice to make someones day.

Do people get surprised when they learn your age? Do you find that it changes things when they find out? I have friends of all ages and find that age is not an issue. Let us know.


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