My money


Lillian for the last day or so has been carrying around a pile of 20 cent coins in her little hand bag and making sure that no one touches or goes near her money. It is rather funny and cute. Am I raising a business person/capitalist, or go getter. I just hope that she values money and makes sure to save.  Daddy and I have been telling both Lillian and Julia that you need to save your money and put it away so that you can have it for a rainy day.

Today the girls and I had a play date with Edie from next door and Lillian took her money wtih her. She was getting a bit annoyed when Edie got close to the money but it was fine, mummy protected it. Phew. Crisese overted. Then after we all came home to be with Daddy (he had a day off from work to relax and rest), we all had lunch outside in the backyard. Lillian fell off her chair and straight on her head. She was fine, a little upset about the fall but un hurt so that was good. While cuddling her she was screaming, ‘my money, my money’. After we found it , gave it to her, she stoped crying and was fine. A happy little girl again.

Rather interesting that money is soothing her at this early stage. She is not yet 3. Oh well, maybe it is just another toy that she is pretending with. While she was on the swing in the backyard she said that the money was watching her and she yelled out to it and waved to the money.

Only time will tell if this new obssession about her money will last. I hope that she saves and has enough to enjoy the things in life that she wants to do, the same with Julia. Buying a house when they are adults will be tough enough. Maybe if they save up their 20 cent coins now it will help.

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