Today my twin girls are four. I cannot believe it has been four years but it has. They are such little adults at times, and of course still little girls who are still learning things and finding out about the world. They were born so small and are still compared to other children their age, but this is probably down to genetics and the fact that they are twins so they are small compared to having a singleton. Below is a picture of me with the girls soon after they were born. Look how small they both were! Lillian had a bit of jaundice so she was a little darker than Julia.
We celebrated with the opening of presents, and then got organised to go and see Madagascar 3 (the girls call this film the animals) at the movies. The movie was a hit as well as the birthday presents, after the film we came home to cupcakes and the girls wanted daddy to put their dolls house together
The girls were lucky to receive:
- A Doll’s House and the furniture that went with it
- Wooden food, cake, eggs, milk bottles and the like
- Card games with some windup toys
Both girls were asking for a dolls house and little did they know that mummy and daddy had organised one for their birthday, thanks to Aldi. Aldi is the place we purchased the wooden cake and other food toys, plus all the other furniture to go with the doll’s house. Aldi is such an amazing shop to purchase toys from. They are wooden, well made and just such a reasonable price. The girls were daddy’s assistants to help build the dolls house, however sometimes the screws got dropped and the child responsible would not know were to look for it, so not great at assisting but was trying to help.
We have organised a party for the girls at a local park so they can celebrate their birthday with friends. This is to happen Saturday but the kids have been a bit sick but on medicine and getting better, so by Saturday they should be much better than they were. Currently it is raining the weather is not ideal for park outings, however the report for the weekend claims it will be sunny so crossing fingers and toes that is correct as we don’t have an alternative. It should be a fun party, it is to be a teddy bears picnic so fun for the kids, just need to finalise games to be played and sort out the cake.
The journey with the twins has been an amazing one and I must say it was not as bad as I thought it would be with twins as my first children, but there have been times that are very testing to say the least. Currently the girls are testing my patience and now being four I am sure will present us with new learning curves. Other than the standard issues I am very proud of the girls and what they have grown into. Both girls are very smart, happy, healthy, energetic, got a great sense of humour, and just very nice and good spirited.Below is a picture that shows them currently so you can see the difference from when born to now.

Fun at Playgroup. Picture was taken a couple of weeks ago and wanted to have a nice one for today that they are 4 but it has been a trial to get one. Maybe tonight I might have better luck.
I have tried to get a nice picuture of the girls together today but have gotten angry faces, both girls put their hands over their faces and so on. Not wanting pictures today. It did not make me feel good as I try and take a picture every month on the 13th to have a record of how they are growing and changing. Have you had your kids be silly and not want photos taken? If so is it just a phase? Or is it a sign that I am taking too many photos? Happy Birthday to all people that are celebrating a birthday today and if you are twins happy day also!