Hi all, Mummy to Twins is easier to follow now. We have just added Pinterest to our list of social media. If you are not aware, Pinterest is a great place to just collect ideas, see what others are doing, and get links to their sites. Once you have this information you can then use this as part of your toolkit, for craft, sewing, ideas, or advice. It is also a great tool for shopping and home improvement ideas. I love looking at the great glossy pictures of all the pretty houses, very envious, maybe this can be a tool for planning the new house?
As you will see we have a list of where you can find us on the web, and we hope that you take the time to look at our pages, like them, share them, and enter into discussions about the posts on the blog, or submit a topic that is on your mind.
Mummy to Twins is on the following social platforms:
I hope to see you all checking out our social sites and becoming a part of the Mummy to Twins community. Send in comments, share a topic for a blog post, start a conversation, or just like our pages. Hope to see you all soon.