I cannot believe it is nearly November. Yep, the year has nearly ended. It will soon be Christmas and New Year and then our little boy’s birthday.
It is all happening with super speed. Although the world and the days seem to be magically whisking by I am slowly plodding along. Why do you ask? Well, I have indeed gotten sick yet again.
Sick seems to be the constant battle of mums, and indeed me this year.
I now have a cold or possibly the flu! My body hurts and at times throbbing. My head is sore and so is my throat.
Constantly tired and wishing that I could stay in bed. Sleep and rest seem all hard to obtain with a busy house and three kids.
It would be so wonderful to just rest and for others to get everything done. To be able to sleep in and to not be disturbed would be fabulous too!
I’m zapped of energy, needing sleep and just unwell.
Cold and flu tablets don’t seem to be helping. Maybe more sleep will help?
Do you find that due to being the mum you are always ill?
Do you get whatever the kids bring home from school or childcare? I know I do.
If you are indeed sick like me I hope that you are getting some much-needed rest and family are helping.
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