The kids have asked to have an Adventure Time themed birthday party this year. So of course I said yes. However then they both asked for a Lumpy Space Princess Cake. Have you seen Lumpy Space Princess? If you have you will know that she is an odd shape and not very easy to do in a cake. See image of LSP (Otherwise known as Lumpy Space Princess) below:

Lumpy Space Princess. Now you see what I mean about the odd shape. Of course the twins want a cake like this! I hope I can pull it off.
I have thought long and hard about the cake issue and the shape that LSP needs to be and wondered how to achieve it. I have concluded that the only way I can do it is with a whole bunch of cupcakes strategically positioned to look like LSP. I of course will have them with purple icing and one will have the yellow star and others with have the eyes and mouth. You get the idea. I have not practiced and plan to do it the day before the party. So that does not give me a lot of time. I’m being positive and I am seeing that all be fine… at least that is what I am telling myself.
Have you made a cake this shape before? Did you decide to do cupcakes and put it all together like I’m planning? Let me know.
So other than the cupcake birthday cake that I am going to create, what else am I going to serve for this party.
Food Ideas
- Chips
- Fairy bread
- Dip with carrots, cucumber and crackers
- Vegan chocolate cupcakes (these taste like mud cake and are so yummy)
- Chocolate that has all sorts of sweets and eyes on it (it looks like it comes from the land of Adventure Time)
- Fruit – Watermelon and Strawberries
- I also have some sweets on offer that are standard at birthday parties and for the thank you bags
I also have 100% juice poppers and water for the kids as well.

Saw this online and had to give it a go. Step 1: Melt chocolate. Step 2: Pour chocolate onto baking paper. Step 3: Add decorations. Step 4: Wait for chocolate to dry and harden, then crack into little bits to serve for your party or as an addition to a cake. #kids #partyfood #foundonline #birthdaypartyideas #kidsbirthday #twins #cooking #birthdayparty
Party Game Ideas
- Princess Bubblegum says. I saw this on another website and it is just another variation on “Simon Says”. Instead of Simon you have Princess Bubblegum and she/he runs the game.
- Scavenger Hunt or Quest. Place prizes around the park or yard and have clues to get to the next one. The last one is the biggest prize or just have a lot of little prizes to give everyone a little something.
I created 48 cupcakes today so that the kids could have a birthday celebration at school. Due to them being in different classes this meant double the cupcakes, however it will be nice that the kids have a moment to enjoy their birthday on their own in class.
Tomorrow I have a whole day of baking, tidying, and sorting things out to be ready for the party on Saturday. I will post a picture of the finished cake. All I can say is that I am sure it will be purple and of course lumpy. If it is exactly or more like the picture that will be a good effort, however we will see.
Have you been asked to make a weird shaped cake? Was it LSP? (Lumpy Space Princess) If so what did you end up creating? I would love to see photos.
If you would like to share your cake creations, please post the photos on Mummy to Twins Plus One Facebook Page.