The other day I was at the shops looking for some last minute stocking fillers for the kids.
I was looking at all the choices and associated costs. Geez, there are so many things that I could get them and some items are HUGE!
While getting overwhelmed at the millions of choices I overheard an older lady with her granddaughter.

Brilliant graphic from A Mighty Girl – Also confirms my thinking that toys are just toys and not boy toys or girl toys. Just toys!
I was in the LEGO aisle of the toy section and this little girl walked up and said “No these are boys toys”
The grandmother then said “Yes they are boys toys, come over here and look for girls toys”
They both kept on announcing what were boys toys and were not for girls. This angered me and I felt compelled to confront them but I didn’t.
I really wanted to say there are no boys and girls toys, there are just toys!
Why are we setting up girls to think they cannot play with LEGO, robots, transformers or cars? What about trains or other fun things?
My girls have been exposed to all sorts of different toys, trains, cars, dolls, dress ups, LEGO, blocks, painting, playdough, STEM, and so much more.
The twins favourite thing to do is LEGO and the complicated sets are the ones the kid’s LOVE!
You cannot know what talents or skills your child will have and limiting them with the toys they play with is just wrong. Also exposing all kids to many different toys is a good thing.
Kids who play with dolls and teddies show their emotions and learn how to care with these toys. Alexander is making sure his teddy, Bark the Dog is wrapped up in a blanket and that he is all tucked in for bedtime too. He wipes away his ears from his eyes and pats his head and back like he is soothing him.
Due to Alexander’s interest in cars, trucks and some television shows, of course, his gifts have been based around those. However, he still plays with his teddies, serves me food with his pretend food set and put his teddy in the toy pram and races up and down the hallway.
The girls are obsessed with Harry Potter and as mentioned massive LEGO fans.
I am going with the kid’s interests and I am not seeing toys as girls or boys toys, they are just toys.
Check out the Girl Empowerment Gift Guide from A Might Girl
Have you been finding it hard that some people believe there are toys for girls or boys? I personally hate this view.
I do love the graphic from A Mighty Girl as this really says that toys are for all, aside from the other toys that are for adults.
Let me know what you think?
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