I don’t know if I’m late to the party but I just recently finished watching the Netflix series “The Queen’s Gambit”
I was tempted to start watching by myself but decided to include hubby in my tv watching decision. I must say that we both loved it and consumed the episodes at great speed.

So what is The Queen’s Gambit About?
The show is based on Walter Trevis’s 1983 novel called, The Queen’s Gambit.
It is about a girl called, Beth Harmon who gets orphaned after a car accident kills her mum. The show starts in the 1950s and progresses through the 1960s.
After Beth is orphaned she is taken to an orphanage for girls. She is then introduced to chess from the building custodian, Mr Shaibel. While at the orphanage she is exposed to taking daily tranquillizers as this is a way the home keeps the children under control. Due to taking these pills daily, Beth grew to rely on them.

Beth sneaks downstairs to have secret chess lessons from Mr Shaibel and it is slowly revealed that she is a chess prodigy. Mr Shaibel introduces Beth to a contact at the local high school that has a chess group so that Beth can learn more and be exposed with other fellow chess players.
Beth enters chess tournaments and gets better and better. It is interesting to watch how Beth grows up as a young woman and becomes her own person rather than relying on a mother figure or another adult.

Also, I was taken with the 1960’s fashion and furnishings. Just loved this part of the show too.
I loved this show, it was fun, griping and a good drama.
Many of my friends have raved about this series and I thought I will get to it one day. If you have heard good things about this show I would urge you to give it a go.
We have loved having Netflix and it has been godsent with lockdowns and not being able to travel or go anywhere in 2020 and also in 2021.
Send some more suggestions for more shows that I can binge watch.
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