Oz Comic-Con is happening next month and what better way to get in the spirit than with an interview with Nevada Newman.
Nevada Newman is a nine-year-old who is a Cosplayer.
What is Cosplay?
“Cosplay is the practice of dressing up as a character from a film, book, or video game, especially one from the Japanese genres of manga or anime.” From the Google Dictionary.
Nevada agreed to be interviewed and to share some fabulous images of herself, and her brother.
The costumes are fabulous and awesome, you can keep up to date with their Cosplay adventures on Instagram.
Q1. When did you first get interested in Cosplay?
A. I got interested in cosplay in 2016 when I attended my first con with my mum and saw all of the fantastic cosplayers there.
Q2. I see via your Instagram @nevada_newman_official that you started with Cosplay in 2016, have you been having fun with it?
A. I did start my cosplay adventures in 2016 (before that my insta was full of my dancing) I have so much fun with getting to play different characters.
Q3. What is your favourite outfit? They all look so stunning.
A. Thank you. My favourite outfit has been Hela from Thor Ragnarok.
Q4. Do any of your friends participate in Cosplay?
A. No, none of my friends at school or dance even knew what cosplay was before I started doing it.
Q5. What is the biggest event for Cosplay enthusiasts that you are really looking forward to?
A. Oz comic con for me is my favourite as they really love child cosplayers and even have a day that they get to show off their costumes.
Q6. Oz Comic-Con is happening in September, what costume will you be wearing when you attend?
A. Gosh, I don’t know. We are going for the weekend so it will be 2 different ones. Hela maybe possibly Raven from Teen Titans Go, I have so many to choose from now since I got sponsored from www.herostime.com
Q7. I loved seeing the pictures of you and your brother as The Incredibles, it was so nice. Does your brother like dressing up too?
A. Oh yes, he sure does. Those costumes are so much fun to wear. He loves being Dash. Although Captain America and Thor are 2 of his favourites.
Q8. Does any other family member dress up in Cosplay?
A. No lol, other than my baby brother it is definitely my thing.
Q9. I’ve seen some wonderful images of your costumes on Instagram, what is your favourite?
A. My favourite image that I have done is Gamora with my baby brother as Thor in the middle of Surfers Paradise. I was so much fun seeing how people reacted to us all dressed up.
Q10. How do you think you have changed since you have started dressing up in CosPlay? Do you think you have grown with confidence and met more people?
A. I have definitely grown through cosplay and met some amazing people. WhenI’m in costume I feel more confident speaking to people as I am playing a character. I get to explore being different people all the time and I don’t want that to ever stop.
Follow Nevada Newman on Instagram to keep up with all her cool costumes and events she attends.
A BIG thank you to Nevada for the interview and images for this post.
I hope you have an awesome time at Oz Comic-Con
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