Brought to you by Nuffnang and Oli6
Have you got a baby or toddler that has digestive issues? Reflux, allergies or an intolerance to cow’s milk maybe? Are you finding it difficult if you are not breastfeeding anymore?
I could only breastfeed my third child for the first three months (I also got mastitis and was very ill. It came back about three times and complicated the issue with breastfeeding) and we did supplement with formula.

Learning how common toddler digestive issues are from Melanie McGrice Accredited Practising Dietitian.
We had issues with Alexander who had silent reflux when he was born and it lasted up until three months of age. He is still rather particular about being upright and of course cannot drink too much as he will then bring it straight back up. He was a very fussy baby and I think he had issues with his belly not handling things in the early days. You can read more about what happened with our little boy here.
After trying to settle the baby and to help him to relieve the wind and the pain in his belly it would all start again. Yes the 3-4 hours it took to settle him then meant that I had to feed him all over again and therefore this horrible issue would come back. I would dread feeding him the bottle due to what would happen afterwards…yes another 4 plus hours with a screaming baby.
Did you know?
“The vast majority (84%) of children 13-24 months have experienced some form of digestive problem with diarrhoea (33%), constipation (30%) and reflux (27%) being among the most common.”
I was wondering what to do. How can I help my little boy feel better and not be in pain? I of course wanted the screaming to stop. Peace and quiet was needed as it would hopefully lead to sleep. Yes the much needed sleep that every new parent needs and wants, but does not get.
I did not know there was goat formula. I also did not know that it could have helped our little baby’s issues. I wish we had tried it earlier.
Oil6 Dairy Goat Formula invited me to learn more about their products for toddlers. I was intrigued and interested due to the difficulties that we had with our son in the early days. I was keen to see if it would help him now as well.
While hearing about the Oli6 Goat Milk I was lucky to be able to drink some lovely coffee and nibble on some yummy snacks. It felt rather calming to be in such relaxing surroundings at The Grounds of the Alexandria and to just sit and be for a bit. Thanks so much for this yummy morning tea it was a great treat.
“Toddlers show their digestive distress by struggling to get to sleep (57%), crying (53%) and just being cranky (36%)
So what are the benefits of Oli6 Dairy Goat Formula?
- High in vitamins and minerals
- Calcium for teeth and bones (10% more than cows milk)
- Vitamin A for vision and sight (46% more than cow’s milk)
- Magnesium for development and growth (33% more than cow’s milk)
- Vitamin C (37% more than cow’s milk)
- Naturally occurring prebiotic oligos may assist digestion. Prebiotic oligosaccharides that naturally occur in goat’s milk may aid beneficial bacteria to help stimulate digestive health and help with the growth of the good gut bacteria (these are the ones we want). Studies have shown that goat’s milk contains up to 250-300mg/l which is six times the concentration than found in cow’s milk.
- Higher amount of lipids to aid brain development and function
- Higher proportion of medium chain fatty acids for colonic health and other benefits; more than normal cow’s milk.
- Gentle on tummies – Has easier to digest fatty acids. The size of the fat globules in goat’s milk are smaller to cow’s milk and therefore has been suggested that this makes it easier to digest.
- Oli6 is made in Victoria, Australia and adheres to strict Australian guidelines.

The girls and I at the morning tea for Oli6 Goat Formula. We are at the Atrium at The Grounds in Alexandria.
Why should you have a formula high in Oligosaccharides?
- Protect against germs or illness
- Promote colonic health
- Help with the maturation of gut and immune system
- Promote and help with healthy gut microflora ( Prebiotic)
- Good for brain development
- Helps with nutrient absorption
Did you know?
“To date, over 37 oligosaccharides have been identified in goat’s milk. Several of these oligosaccharides are structurally similar to those found in human milk and suggested to have similar beneficial effects.”
I had no idea that goat’s milk might be more similar to breast milk, maybe this is why it is easier to digest for babies? It is more like what mum would be giving the baby.
I only thought that goat’s milk might be a solution if you had an allergy or intolerance, not digestive issues. How wrong was I?
Having experienced a baby with digestive issues and being so unhappy I can see how this would be a good thing to try. Anything for a happy baby and happy parents.
Just in case you wish to give the Oli6 Goat Formula a try you can purchase it from the Oli6 website, Pharmacy Warehouse, Cincotta Discount Chemist, Optimal Pharmacy Plus, Pharmacy 4 Less Discount Chemist, Direct Chemist Outlet – Discount Chemist and You Save Chemist. Oh and if you purchase at any of these pharmacies you get a $10.00 cashback.
“Almost half (46%) of mums changed formula type to try to address their child’s digestive issues and of these, almost half (46%) say it mostly solved the problem and a further 13% saying it somewhat reduced the problem.”
Oli6 Dairy Goat Formula covers all age ranges:
- Stage 1 – Birth to 6 months (Infant Formula)
- Stage 2 – 6 to 12 months (Follow On Formula)
- Stage 3 – 12 months to 36 months (Toddler Formula)
Have you given Oli6 Dairy Goat Formula a go? Did it help your little one feel better? Have you noticed a change your baby/toddler?