What a start to the school holidays we have had. Baby was sick, one of the girls was sick, I was sick and finally hubby was sick. Only one kid escaped the germs due to her getting it a week before and starting this whole mess. Yes, I am blaming her, well if it was not her it is possibly something we picked up from school or who knows where. So maybe I shouldn’t blame anyone really.
We have been hit with the horrible gastro bug. I am pleased to state that I am much better and happier than I was a few days ago. If you did see me I am sure you would claim that I looked like the undead and although afflicted with the need to throw up and not leave the bathroom I had to care for kids as well. Not a great mix if you ask me.

This horrible germ that made all our life hell for days has been vanished! No more. You are not welcome in my house!
At one point I finally put the baby to bed and then was able to go to bed myself for a little rest. However, this rest was interrupted by one of the girls who was very ill herself and she made a mess in the bathroom and needed help. I must say that this one part that I loathe, helping clean up mess when others have been ill…It just makes me sick also. I took a while to gather myself and then finally tided up the bathroom and as you can imagine my time with a baby sleeping had ended so I had to get him up and sort him out too.
I am not sure what type of bug we picked up but it was not good. It made all my joints hurt and have headaches for days. I have been washing, scrubbing and making sure we don’t spread the germs. Yes, as you might imagine I have like everyone in the house is constantly washing their hands to just make sure; to the extent that I have realised that some of the soap that I have been using is irritating my skin.
I got better, then my little girl got better, the baby got a little better, and then the one person who did not get the bug was struck down. Hubby finally got ill. It was terrible as he was very sick and sad to say that he now has a full appreciation of how bad this germ really was. I do think he knew it was not good, but once you have had it you have a different understanding.
Do you end up really ill with sick kids and have to mind them? I did this and it was not fun. Sad situation is that being a mum means that when you are sick no one comes to help you out.
No sick days, no days off, and rarely any help. I was lucky that I got some help but in the peak of the storm (Yes I am comparing it to a storm due to the fact that I was harassed by three children, I was ill, the baby was ill, and one kid was also ill. I was not able to just go and have a sleep and let someone else help. Or have baby be minded. If I needed to be sick I had to do that while the baby screamed. I needed to try and sort myself out before I tended to him or else it might have been even messier) I had no help. Hubby had arranged to do some work for a mate and he was in the middle of it when I needed him to come home.
You don’t plan to be sick. You don’t know where you are going to be when you might need to come home and help a loved one. It might be that easy to suddenly leave work. I do understand that. However, I got annoyed. Why was I so annoyed? Well it seems that every time I am really ill, I have to soldier on. I have to go it alone and that means that I have to care for kids while being unwell.
I was grateful that hubby came home as quickly as he could but it got me thinking…. if I was at work or a function and the same happened to him, would he be annoyed at me if I delayed my return? Would he accept the fact it is work or would he just want the support and help in his time of need?
When the twins were babies they got really sick. I was in the same predicament. I got ill caring for the kids and then all three of us were throwing up, and I was the only one caring and cleaning up for all of us. It was tough. What I wouldn’t have given for someone to just come and look after us all. I just wanted to go to bed and to sleep.
Have you been in this situation? Sick kids, then you are ill and you have to manage to care for it all? Do you have family or friends that lend a hand? Or are they frightened to enter the house of germs?