UPDATE: History has not repeated itself…. so we will see what this week brings!
So tomorrow (Sunday) is the day on the 33rd week that my water broke with the twins. It was 4am that it happened with the girls.
Then I was in hospital for a week and they were born on the Saturday morning. Very early Saturday morning.

Wish there was more indication on when birth day will be. I just hope that I am not surprised while out and about.
I am now at the same point in this pregnancy although it is different, I am only having one baby this time not two.
I have been worried about approaching this time again and I know that it is not going to happen again at 4am in the morning and at the same week and day as it did before. However it has been on my mind. You cannot help be worried about the same thing happening.
Due to my membranes rupturing naturally last time I am now concerned that it could happen at any point. At school drop off, at school while doing reading, at the shops, or possibly at the swimming pool while kids are having their lesson. Yes I know it is mad to be thinking about the what ifs but I have been!
At least last time it was in the comfort of my own home, I could get a change of clothes if needed and have help. If I have this happen when I am on my own what will I do? If this does occur I know that as long as I’m not in pain I have time to get to the hospital. If kids are with me, I will take them and myself to the hospital and of course ring hubby. If on my own I will get to the hospital, contact hubby and arrange for the kids to be collected from school if they are at school when it happens.
It is hard to know and I wish people could give you a more definite answer on when to expect baby this time. Considering we can know so much about the human body now and medicine has developed so much, but we cannot know more about when a baby might be born. I know it is hard. It is dependent on the little person and if they are ready to be born, your body and many other factors.
I think I am just worried that due to having one baby this time it might be a HUGE baby. Although due to my fall on my 31st week I had an ultrasound. The estimated weight of the baby was 1730 grams. So if you think that I had two babies at 34 weeks and 2 days and 1 was 1938 grams and the other was 2.1kgs, this little person is on track for one of the twins so far. I know it has been a few weeks since I was 31 weeks so presuming that the baby has put on more weight and they say the average is about 200grams per week for baby to put on then it is on track for the same time. It just depends on when it wants to be born about how big it will be. I am just freaking out a bit.
Not only am I worried about size and if, when and where my water might break, I am having major issues with my legs, and hips. I don’t seem to be able to stand for too long before I am in pain and have issues. I did not have this last time but maybe due to it being the first pregnancy and of course the twins coming early this was something I was spared. I have read that this pain in your hips and legs gets worse with every subsequent pregnancy. Oh the joys!
I don’t really want the baby to be born to early but I don’t really want to go full term either. I have a feeling that I won’t but you never know right. It could be me trying to want it to happen before it is time and my body and the baby will hang in there till the very end!

Nearly all due dates have said I’m due on the 7th of Jan 2016, however this one said it was a little earlier. But all said that I was the same number of weeks pregnant. It will be interesting to see what date it does happen on. I found this calculator on https://www.trueduedate.com/
For your second pregnancy did have a spontaneous labor? Did your membranes rupture naturally? And if so was it in public? I keep on forgetting to take things with me if this happens. I have purchased items for this very emergency but leave them at home, so this will not be helpful in the event that this happens.
I also am rather over being pregnant and would like to have this over now please! Let’s meet our new little person soon. I am keen to know if it is a boy/girl and to start bonding rather than the bonding via kicks and tickles that is currently happening nearly all day inside me. This little person is very active. I would also like to know if it is going to look like the girls, will it have blonde hair, or the red hair like my mum has, maybe neither and it will have black hair like my dad, father in law and hubby.
Let me know what happened to you? Getting near the end is always the hardest. I was grumpy, annoyed and just uncomfortable near the end when pregnant with the twins.
2 Responses
Rosemarie De Bari
November 21, 2015I was induced with my first at 39+2, my second I went into labour spontaneously at 41+5! And my waters disn’t break until 10 minutes before she was born. Similar story with baby 3, at 41+2 weeks.
November 22, 2015Hi Rosemarie, Wow the last 2 babies were about the same time. I am not sure if the hospital will let me go over. I think from 36 weeks it might happen but we will see. Interesting that they were similar times for you. Suzanne