The Mummy hood – Fiat UK
I was shown a great video by hubby that shows a mummy rapping about the perils and the real life of being a mother. The video was to celebrate the launch of the new Fiat 500L.
The video talks about real life things that happen as a mother and I do agree they are annoying, however as the song points out, this is a club you just cannot quit. Not that I want to, but sometimes it might be nice to have a break.
The woman in the video has a lovely house and of course has a new Fiat 500L in the driveway. I must admit if my house was that clean I might not be so upset or annoyed. She obviously has help with the house, wish I did.
It was funny and entertaining look at motherhood. What are your thoughts? Do you sometimes wish you could just take off for an extended rest. I know I do. See what you think of the video, I just had to share!
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4 Responses
January 1, 2013Funny rap! I thought her house was messy though! Looks like our lounge room in middle of the day with toys from one end to the other before the kids pack them away before bedtime! I can’t stand mess! I’m a bit of a clean freak I’m afraid!
January 3, 2013Oh my god Suzanne, you will not believe it, but I was about to post this on my site! My sister sent it to me and I thought it was hilarious. Especially the expressing bit! Wanted to start off 2013 with something funny. Do you mind if I still do?
January 3, 2013Hi MishMashMamma, That is fine if you put it on your site it is such a funny piece of marketing it should be shared. I agree the expressing bit was hilarious. I wonder if this will increase sales in Fiat’s in the UK or worldwide due to the reach of the marketing that they have done?
Happy 2013 and hope you have a good year. Suzanne
January 4, 2013Hi Suzanne, Happy New Year to you too! Tthanks for that, you are so sweet. Obviously, great minds think alike! ;-). Not sure if this video will increase car sales, but it will definitely make mummies laugh!