It is good to see that restrictions are slowly being lifted.
The twins did a full day at school today. Both kids finally had face to face lessons for the first time in about six weeks.
Admittedly it doesn’t feel like it has been a few months it feels like much longer.
As Robbie Buck on ABC 702 Radio, this morning said, “Parents normally come back from a six week holiday and manage to pack lunches and get sorted for school, however, this six week period feels like twelve years!”
Yes, Robbie, I agree it really does feel longer than a few short months, and 12 years is about right!
This Friday it is expected that there will be more restrictions lifted, from Friday they say we can have a gathering of ten people and also with ten people can go to a cafe or restaurant together.
One thing that I have thought about. All this time not going out and then finally able to go to the cafe, finally be with more than two people. Be in the outdoors with no one moving you on, be at a park, and be legally allowed to be there.
Taking the kids to school felt weird today and picking them up even more so. We didn’t go into the school and dropped them at the kiss and drop place outside the school, and when I picked them up I stayed outside and practiced social distancing like we were told to do. Yes, many parents were there but 1.5mtres apart, it wasn’t very sociable but it is a great start.
Even though we were supposed to be there, I felt naughty.
I am sure when I finally get the chance to be in a pub or a cafe I will still feel the same.
I will be sipping a cappuccino and relaxing and then someone leans over and says I am not allowed to be doing what I am doing. Yes, the fear of doing the wrong thing is going to happen. It has been a while and I haven’t been to a cafe for a meal since February or early March…see it has been too long I cannot remember exactly.
“You are naughty and cannot do that!”
For the last few weeks I have seen more people and traffic on the roads, and what looks like tourists but I cannot be sure if I am correct that they are tourists….although it looked like they were.
On picking up the twins from school I saw two tourists in the middle of the street taking pictures of the stunning leaves and trees with the autumn colours. This happens regularly and many tourists block people picking up kids and others in their houses when they try and leave. Interesting that the area is bringing in more people now with a few restrictions that have already been lifted.
I just hope that these people are not infectious or haven’t come into contact with something that is and gives our area a spike in infections.
I really want this to end and to enjoy the outside world again.
I really want to have our lives go back to normal or the new normal post-COVID-19.
To have the ability to earn, to travel, and to live again with my family.
Have you noticed things are changing around your area? Have you seen more people and traffic?
Are you like me and will be feeling that you are being naughty when you are able to go to a cafe?
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