Do you have a little person
that is close to going to Kindy?
If they are a few years away from entering big school or otherwise known as primary you might want to expose them to some concepts to give them a better start.
My little boy Alexander is still three but in a few short months will be four, and next year is his last year in childcare. Childcare runs a preschool program and he’s learning so much more each day.
How is he so close to going to Big School? Mind you he is keen to go to school like his big sisters, however the same year he starts Kindy the twins will be starting high school…yes I will have kids at two different stages!
I’ve partnered with Get Ready for School Australia to share their great resources to help your little people get school ready. Read on to find the 15% discount…yes what a helpful thing to have!
“The Get Ready for School Australia program focuses on playful and meaningful learning activities that build a love of learning in your child – in the familiar surroundings of your own home. And they need little or no preparation.”
I have a super great discount for my readers, you can get 15% off!
Enter the following code: Alexander15
Benefits of Get Ready for School Australia
- Builds confidence
- Helps parents with everything they need to help their child get school ready
- Spend quality time with mum/dad learning
- Have fun learning with everyday items that you have at home
- The Get Ready for School Australia is personalised for your child and follows the school curriculum
Alexander is still learning to write. He loves colouring in and holding pens, pencils, and textas, he is also figuring out what hand he wants to write with. Currently, he is favouring his left hand.
I read to Alex every night and he likes to read me the story from the pictures in the book. It is very interesting hearing his view of the story, however, sometimes it doesn’t match the book at all and is hilarious!
Stay tuned for more posts and videos about our progress with the Get Ready for School Australia kit. Get one for your little one that is about to start Kindy soon, they make sure to personalise the pack for your little one.
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