I purchased two Hot Wheels Jumbo Eggs for my little boy. He is obsessed with cars, especially Hot Wheels, and does not eat chocolate or like it so a different gift for Easter was needed.
While at BigW I saw that Hot Wheels had a few eggs with lollies and toys. I thought this was the perfect option.

Easter Sunday morning arrived and my little boy opened his Hot Wheel eggs. I did expect maybe a car due to it being Hot Wheels but no that was not to be. What do you think was inside the eggs?
Well once they were opened I discovered that each egg had exactly the same thing:
- Bags of little jelly beans
- Lollipops
- Stickers
- Spinning tops
- Noisemakers (think that is what they are called)

After my six-year-old opened his eggs I must say I was very disappointed in what was inside. No car???? It is Hot Wheels after all. Why spinning tops and noisemakers? Every Hot Wheels mad kid would have been annoyed and upset about not getting a car.

It didn’t need to be a great car, just a car, and yes I know that having a sub-average car might be something else to complain about but for the price point, I think a car of any sort would be better than no car.
As you will see my little boy has taken a sharpie to his big egg. He thought it looked cool, although as a mum I was sad about what it offered. I mentioned to hubby what was in the egg and he was shocked…. Hubby said, “Why didn’t it have a car?????” I said I don’t know and I agreed, I bought them hoping that it might have a car. I got two eggs to make sure if there were different toys we might have a chance for different toys. Little did I know they would be the same, exactly the same!
I think I paid $5 each for each egg and I did hope for at least a car in one of them.
Have you purchased a gift that you thought had something else inside to be very disappointed and upset at your purchase? Let me know.
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