Hint of Spring


Today and the weekend before were lovely days (the weekend we just had was okay but really cold and overcast). Sunshine, warmth and the hint of spring in the air. Although we are having very cold nights and cool mornings some days are very pleasant.

I have noticed that some plants that normally bloom in Spring have already flowered. Some trees are growing leaves and a Rhododendron tree in a neighbouring suburb had a few flowers on it already…. yes, and we are still in winter.

I have even seen some blossom trees have flowered. I love when our blossom tree has all its blossoms on it, you can smell honey in the air when this is the case.

I have even seen some blossom trees have flowered. I love when our blossom tree has all its blossoms on it, you can smell honey in the air when this is the case.

I’m hoping that my oak tree does not get confused with the weather this year and take ages to get its leaves again. The poor tree had very cold to freezing temperatures, then went to hot days and then we had snow in spring… yes totally confusing. My poor plants!

You might be shocked to read this, but I have only worn one jumper on the days that were like spring. Yes, I do know it is still officially winter and there might be a few colder days before the warmer weather is here, however it is like it really wants to make its presence known now.

Why can’t it???? If it was up to me I would say YES Spring, you can come in and start making things warm and have flowers blossom. Pity this cannot be. Wish I could snap my fingers or wiggle my nose like Samantha on Bewitched and it would all be nice and warm. No cold nights, no more icy winds and no more snow (most people here and especially the kids love the snow. I for one think it is great. However, I’m concerned about driving on the roads in the snow and ice and freezing).

It is not the first time that it has felt like completely different season. Living in the mountains you tend to experience nearly all seasons and it can be in one day. Warm sunny weather, cold foggy days/nights, snow, wind that is icy cold, rain and much more… It is a mixed bag really.

If you do come and stay or to visit, make sure you bring an umbrella and some warm clothes just in case. You never know right!

So as you might have guessed I am not a fan of the cold weather or freezing temperatures at all.

Bring on Spring

Bring on Summer

Bring on holidays and fun!

Well it will soon be Spring and that means it is the twins birthday, Father’s Day and other family and friends birthdays as well.  There is not long to wait and I for one think it could not come soon enough.

Do you hang for the weather to be warmer?

I suppose it depends on where you are in the world. If you are in freezing temperatures, you most like count down the days till things get warmer and the reverse if it is hotter you count down to cooler temperatures.

Let us know what you prefer.

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