I read today about a woman who loves cleaning. I wish I was one; I cannot stand housework, cleaning or organising the house. For me is very much a chore. Don’t get me wrong, I love a tidy and organised house.
However, the time, work and trouble that it takes, is never maintained in this household. We, the husband and I, seem to clean in spurts especially if we are having guests.
Housework is a necessity and I do agree that regardless of enjoying it or hating it, it is a task that needs to happen. With that philosophy, it is hard to be overjoyed at the prospect of cleaning the house, especially on your own with kids in toe as well.
I always have other things that I want to do or need doing and then the housework seems to come last. Cleaning does not hold the interest than say, watching a show, going out, or even doing my university work done.

Hypnosis for housework
Today my goal is to tidy the main areas, living room, dining room, hallway, kids room, our bedroom, and bathroom/toilets. If I don’t get it done today or tonight will do the rest tomorrow morning, it all needs to be tidy as we are having guests. These guests are good friends who are minding the girls for the day and part of the evening. Mummy and daddy are off to a good friend’s birthday and both of us are looking forward to the time alone with friends, and especially without kids. Oh, the simple joys of going out to catch up with friends. I cannot wait.
The girls have had something to eat, and I have just put them to down for their compulsory rest time. Yes, I have now learnt not to call it sleep time. If I call it sleep time I get this yelled at me, “Mummy we are not tired!” or “I AM NOT TIRED!!!!” so now it is rest time.
Why could I have got the gene that makes me want to clean? Is it how your mother dealt with housework and this has rubbed off on you? Or is it just the fact that it is an obsessive issue with being clean and tidy. I have even thought that being put under hypnosis to plant the seed to make me want to clean. This thought of hypnosis was only a silly thought after seeing a sign, however today I thought why not see if this has already happened (damn that idea is taken). Yes others have thought of it already; see below for links hypnosis for housework:
- CNet – Custom Hypnosis: House Cleaning Edition
- Hypnosis Files – Housework Enjoyment Hypnosis MP3 Download
- iNeed Motivation – Start Organizing Your Home
If you hate housework and have the money, then hiring a housekeeper/cleaner might be the answer. Why argue over the housework if you can have it outsourced.
Having the task done by someone else is a good idea, as many couples don’t have a lot of downtime.
If you had a choice would you rather use your spare time for chores, or some fun and relaxation? I know this is not for all, but if you can afford it, why not?
Now off to make a cuppa tea, and get started on the tidying – I don’t have a cleaner or have had any hypnosis, I am doing it the old fashioned way.
Do you enjoy housework? If you do enjoy cleaning, what is the fun part for you?
Send in your comments on how you make cleaning fun.
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3 Responses
April 27, 2012I don’t enjoy dusting or vacuuming even though I do it weekly but I do enjoy organizing the house, doing washing and putting the clothes away- i love knowing where everything is and everything has a place. I was brought up in a clean/orderly house so prob why I’m like this also. I find I’m more organized when the house is organized and then I have more time to spend with kids as the house is generally clean all the time and I don’t have to worry about it
April 27, 2012Hi Leanne, thanks for your comment. I do agree, and that is the state I aim to achieve. Have the house in a manageable state and then more time for me and the kids.
March 29, 2016Did hypnosis help you with your housework?