Great Advice from Ashton Kutcher


I have never met Ashton Kutcher, and as I live in a different country and our lives don’t cross paths think that a meeting will never be likely. That said, I do admire him as a person.  Ashton has wealth and celebrity that a lot of people dream of.  He has reached a level in his professional life that allows him to do what ever he wants, but he still presents as a down to earth, very likeable and lovely human being.

As said, I have never met the man and there is no chance that this will happen, but the quality of his personality shines through his films and television work. His causes and beliefs also are great and help others. He gives to Habitat for Humanity and with Demi Moore helped form the DNA Foundation to help eliminate sex slavery worldwide. Very worthwhile and important causes.

So why am I having a rave about Ashton Kutcher?

He recently won the 2013 Teen Choice Ultimate Award and gave an amazing speech. It was directed at the teens in the audience and watching from home. The speech was about hard work, showing the kids that hard work and your job is your opportunity that leads to the next opportunity, and of course he believes that sexy is being smart. See his speech below.

In a world that many young kids want to become famous overnight, get a job where they are instantly the CEO or suddenly get paid heaps of money without doing the hard slog jobs or some would say shit jobs first. This speech is good to hear. It shows that even a highly paid actor did shit jobs that led to better jobs, and mentioned in his speech, “I always made sure to have the next job before I left my old job”.

Kids I believe think they have the right to suddenly be in the executive roles before they have even started working. You need to work up to the higher levels and there is nothing wrong with that.

Kutcher has said:”I don’t believe that old cliché that good things come to those who wait. I think good things come to those who want something so bad they can’t sit still.”


Don’t sit around waiting for things to get handed to you. Yes get off your bum and get moving! Get active and start doing now! If you love to create. Create. The more you practice, the more you read on a topic the better you will be. More of an expert. No one is going to hand you the dream job, well unless you are part of a dynasty. I’m not, so have to create my own dynasty.

I was very taken with Ashton’s speech. What are your thoughts?

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