Grandparent's Day

The kids cannot wait to be on the stage.Image courtesy of scottchan /

The kids cannot wait to be on the stage.Image courtesy of scottchan /

Update: The concert was wonderful. The twins were so excited that Nana made it you could see their faces smile from the moon or further out in space. The girls did not get shy on stage but there were moments when they stopped to look at a person or something and did not sing at all.

The twins have been practicing for a concert at school. Songs have been sung at home, in the car and everywhere in between. The girls are so excited as they have told me that they will be on stage for the performance.

The concert is tomorrow and it is in honour of grandparent’s day. The school has opened their doors for visitors to look at the classrooms, be entertained with a concert in the hall and afterwards are putting on a morning tea.

I am going as I cannot wait to see my little entertainers up on stage. My mum the girl’s nana is lucky enough to attend and of course the kids are super excited about this.

Do you celebrate Grandparents Day? Does your school do anything special? I am excited just like the kids and will of course video it for hubby to see also. My little girls are such performers at home and I am sure they will be in their element on stage at school.

Cannot wait to let you know how the concert went. More tomorrow.


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