I made it to aqua aerobics today and was very pleased with myself. The workout was good and the instructor worked us hard. Legs and arms are a bit wobbly and after a lot of weights with the resistance from the water, I think I will sleep well tonight.
While doing my exercise I had fantasies of having the well-toned, worked out body of my dreams. To reach this ideal, more time at the gym, walking and at aqua is needed. Today was a good start and it is a step in the right direction, now just got to stick with it.
With the kids back at pre-school I am hoping to fit more exercise in. Do you find it tough to fit in exercise now you have kids? I definitely do.
The plan tomorrow is to do some Wii Fit, Tuesday some walking, and Wednesday more aqua, then maybe more walking on Thursday/Friday and of course some more Wii Fit. Then Sunday will do more aqua aerobics. This is my plan and I hope to stick to it.
Do you have a routine to fit in exercise? I find that once I get back exercising it m
akes such a difference, I have more energy, I am happier and I feel better about myself. Exercise might also make me feel better about losing more weight, so that would make me happier anyway. Send in your stories about how you manage to get fit with kids.