TV Shows I’ve Been Watching
Struggling to find something to watch now that Game of Thrones (GoT) is over? Well, I have a great list of shows that I love and have been watching.
Struggling to find something to watch now that Game of Thrones (GoT) is over? Well, I have a great list of shows that I love and have been watching.
When kids are sick it is hard, and when it means that all kids are ill or hurt it is not fun at all!
It was not my plan to have this happen around my birthday, but I am very pleased it is done. I got a health check that meant that I couldn’t eat or drink anything fun. Read on to find out more.
What do you really want for Mother’s Day? Alone time? A massage? Maybe time alone to finish a project. My big thing that I want is my shed or office space completed. Let me know what you want? Oh and make sure to download the Mother’s Day Code.
Spiders in cars is not allowed and should never happen! However, we had an incident with a HUGE huntsman spider today in the car on the way to school. Let me know how you’ve dealt with spider terrorists in your car.
Alexander was watching Firefighters Song for Kids from Bounce Patrol Kids on YouTube, it was a catchy and fun song. However, the only thing that I could not stop looking at was the woman firefighter was in a dress and wearing thigh high boots with heels! Yep, the woman is dressed in non firefighting clothes and the men have adequate clothes to fight a fire. There are no dresses or heels in firefighting and girls should be dressed the same as the boys! Simple as that. Even if it is a song or a simple dress up. It sends the wrong message! Let me know your thoughts.