Browsing Category Family

Day 1 to Day 66 of Learning at Home

Day 1 to Day 66 of Learning at Home


Today is the last day the twins are learning remotely at home…yes face to face lessons start full-time next week. Read about how I fared on day one and compared to day 66! Also, have a laugh of my breakdown of what a day learning at home entails. Is this like your house? Let me know.

Birthday Thoughts

Birthday Thoughts


Tomorrow is my birthday. I have spent the last few weeks thinking about the year, thinking about what I want, how we have fared so far with the horrible things that have been thrown our way in 2020. Have you rethought things while in isolation? Let us know.

More People Around Due to Restrictions Slowly Lifting

More People Around Due to Restrictions Slowly Lifting


When I can finally go out and be with others, sit in a cafe having a coffee, or with family having lunch, it will feel weird… and make me feel that I’m being naughty. Will there be a person tapping me on the shoulder saying, NO you cannot do that!

Schools One Day a Week Starts Tomorrow

Schools One Day a Week Starts Tomorrow


Tomorrow the twins start back at school with face to face lessons one day a week. Yep, every Monday they will be at school and not at home…cannot wait for the peace and quiet this gives me. How have you fared during having all the kids home and with the restrictions during COVID-19. We still have a way to go but things are getting better.

Spider bite means super powers right?

Spider bite means super powers right?


Over a week ago I got bitten on the foot by a redback spider..yes it wasn’t the kids that had to go to the hospital. Read about my story and what happened.

Super Mum Hacks to Stay Productive While At Home

Super Mum Hacks to Stay Productive While At Home


Super Mum hacks to help you be more productive at home and keep the kids entertained. BigW love these hacks and have some products that will help out while you are at home.