Vote for me in the Best Australian Blog 2014 Comp. Just click on this logo on the right hand column of the blog and you will be taken to the right page to vote.
I have been super busy organising new things for the blog and creating a whole new section, “Downloads“. Other than that, something exciting has happened, I am up for Best Australian Blog for 2014. Yes how amazing would this be.
This competition is run by The Australian Writers’ Centre and there are so many cool things that will happen if I win. To get anywhere close I need you to help me. Can you spare less than 5 minutes to vote for me? I hope so as it would be a great help to my campaign.
All you have to do is to go to this link for Best Australian Blogs 2014 and it will take you to the correct page to vote. Follow the prompts and it will only take a few seconds.
Thanks so much for your help and support.