Why is it when you have a million things to do you are not feeling your best. This just makes what you have to do, harder and more annoying. Maybe I should have done more university work before now. It is hard fitting it all in being a busy mummy; however I probably could have done more than I have done. I have an assignment due on the 2nd of April and just between you and me, I have done some research but not put much of it together. More reading and time spent on this needs to happen this weekend.
I have told the husband that I need to be left alone to do university work, and that was met with, he needs to sleep in, do the lawns and get his hair cut. Understand that these things need to be done and he has had a big week, so catching up on sleep is great. So hoping that when he is up it is my turn to be left alone to get on with what I want to do. He can look after the girls like I had to when he had a presentation to do for work. I just fear that I will end up looking after the girls till about 1-2pm and then I will get nothing done.
Currently I feel terrible, tired, and achy, the beginning of a sore throat, and just generally out of sorts. I would really like to go back to bed; however this cannot happen with kids in the house.
Today the goal is to get some of my assignment done and my tutorial questions. Once these are done, or at least well on the way to being complete I will feel much better about university and the situation.
Now the other goal is to be left alone to complete this task. Maybe daddy might take the kids out to get his haircut and leave me alone? You can only hope.
Have you had things you need to get done, but it is hard when you are not left alone to do them? I know I have some extra days due to pre-school, but I tend to get some housework done, shopping and try to fit in university study. The issue with university is that you can take hour’s just investigating one issue or looking up an article. Then there is a matter of reading it all to understand what it is you are doing. So the day that you had goes and you don’t feel like you have done anything.
Does your partner/husband help you have time to yourself for study/time out/hobbies/anything else? It is really hard to fit it all in. Next week I am using pre-school days for me, not the house. Send in what you do to fit it all in? What tips and tricks can you share with us all?
Update: Finally now on my own, it is 11:40am, and feel annoyed most of the day is gone but pleased to be getting a start on my work. Now getting a hot cuppa tea and to get stuck into it. In the end I have organised the format for the assignment, now need to read all the articles and put it all together. Wanted to do more, however after lunch I felt terrible and decided to rest.