Up early


I have woken up early to see if I can get some things done. Exercise, tidying and maybe some me time. Will let you know how this goes.

  • Kitchen partly tidy, now to do some exercise, then have breakfast.
  • Have now had breakfast, kids and husband have had breakfast.
  • Clothes hung on line.
  • New clothes in washing machine, did about 4-5 loads of washing. Making use of one very sunny hot day to dry clothes. Now need to finish it off and fold and put it all away.
  • The girls and I went for a walk, well I did the walking they were in the pram. They both sat in the pram and put their own seatbelts on, I was very impressed. This happened on our way and leaving Coles they did it as well. All I said was, please get in the pram, girls jumped in and did their seat belts up so quickly. What smart little girls.
  • Purchased a birthday pressie for Zoe one of the girls good mates as her birthday party is on Friday. Once home I and the girls were hot and bothered, me more so. Filled up the paddle pool for the girls. They managed to get in and out 3 times, all the while runining 3 sets of clothes. Oh well, they did have fun and managed to tire themselves out in the process.
  • Dinner was a hit, girls ate it and Lillian ate everything and even licked the bowl. I was shocked and so happy that she did that. Must have been hungry and just liked it tonight, it was sausages, cheese, beetroot and tomato sauce, A winning combination for sure.

Now I am very tired from my very long day. Off to bed for much needed rest. Playgroup tomorrow to tire the munchkins out yet again.  Have a lovely night all, and hope tomorrow is a great day for all.

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