Suzanne Robinson - portraitWelcome. My name is Suzanne and I am the mum behind the Mummy to Twins Plus One blog, and I’m honoured you’ve come to visit.

This blog and my other social media sites is my way of building a community about twins, children, life and the wonderful stories that happen as a mother.

Mummy To Twins Plus One has been active for more than 10 years, so as you can imagine I’ve built up a lot of articles in that time – nearly 1,000 actually. Everything from parenthood, ideas for dinners, our parenting fails, giveaways, competitions, and some great craft and DIY ideas.

If it’s your first time here, I know all of the information can be overwhelming, so I’ve created this “start here” page with some of my very best resources to get you started.


I live in the Blue Mountains, Australia. I’m an ex-career girl and have worked for the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), News Ltd., and as a digital media producer. My background is in film, video, multimedia, online, and photography.

In 2008, while working at the ABC I became pregnant with the (twin) girls. I had the choice to come back to work after I gave birth, but due to no family locally to help, the distance I live from work, and the cost of childcare, it was not an option for me. So now I am a stay at home mummy to my lovely twins – and now our son, Alexander.

You can learn more on my About page.


As I mentioned above, I’ve written nearly 1,000 articles on Mummy To Twins Plus One. Some of these articles have been VERY popular. So to give you a small taste of my content, here’s the top 5 most popular articles I’ve written.

#1 Having two kids is not like having twins

#2 Octonaut Party Preparation

#3 Teddy Bear Picnic Preparation

#4 Make Your Own Tea Towels

#5 Christmas Pressie Craft



I’m adding content to Mummy To Twins Plus One frequently, so I’ve adopted a number of ways to keep you up-to-date with what is happening.

First, please sign up to my newsletter which is packed with giveaways, competitions, highlights from the latest articles, and a look-back at the most popular articles from the archive that you may have missed. Plus, you’ll also get a behind the scenes look at the adventures and craziness of my parenting journey with three kids and hubby.

Join over 1,200 parents like yourself from around the world when you sign up today. I promise that your email address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at the touch of a button.

Second, I post my current events, breaking news, and links to things I love on my Facebook Page. I have a community of over 900 amazing people there and I’d love you to be a part of it.

Thirdly, I love great images, so of course, Instagram is a great source of inspiration. So if you want to see what I’m up to day-to-day, you’ll find me on Instagram. As with FaceBook, I have a growing community on Instagram, with over 1,100 followers, and it would be great if you could join me there too.

And finally, I also do my best to share videos of my experiences. Follow me on YouTube to be notified when I upload new videos.